Eat yummy fruit!


Yummy fruits to eat every day!
Fruit makes tummy happy!


Fruit is fun and healthy!
Eat fruit, grow strong!
Fruit for energy all day!
Fruit is sweet like candy!
Munch crunchy fruit bunches!
Fruit helps you grow big!
Yummy fruit fills your tummy!
Fruit gives you power like a hero!
Fruits are crunchy, juicy and sweet!
Fruit tastes so good, take a bite!
Fruit makes you strong, eat up!
Yummy fruit fuels your body!
Fill tummy with yummy fruits!
Fruit keeps you strong and fit!
Eat fruit, feel great all day!
Crunchy fruits make you healthy!
Enjoy yummy juicy fruit every day!
Fruit fills you with goodness, eat more!
Nature's candy, crunchy and juicy!
Sweet fruits make you clever!